Home 1883 How it all began photos maps 1883 Correspondence 1884 Opening and Early days 1890 Next generation Who were the Ladies? Club life 1910 An Edwardian Tennis Club 1914 World War I 1920 Getting LRC house in order 1930 Enterprising Committees
1946 Rebuilding after World War II 1948 LRC builds a   swimming pool 1955 Main Clubhouse with   badminton court
Colours Badge and Motto Charming LRC History written in 1960
Albany Filter Beds Histories Membership trends Other opinions of the LRC Important LRC Dates About |
Getting the LRC House in order
1924 Tennis at the Club for Mrs. Peggy Beard and her friends
1923 - a memoir Colonel H.
Owen Hughes "I do recall being in the Final of the Mixed Doubles with Helina Calvert (the sister of Lady Stewart Taylor). That must have been in 1923 and I think the event was won by commodore Worthington (Secretary to commodore Grace) and Primrose Grace, youngest of the Commodore's daughters. They were known as Miss Grace, Disgrace and Miss Deameanour!"
1924 Cheltondale, Sir, I desire on behalf of the committee of the Ladies Recreation Club, of which I am President, to ascertain from the Gevernment, whether they would consider a loan of the sum of $4,500 (four thousand five hundered dollars) for the purpose of putting the Club House of the L.R.C. in a good state of repair... ... I have pleasure in enclosing the club's last audited account & would point out that since the date of this, owing to our having raised the subscription, & the fact that tennis balls are now paid for by members themselves ... Hoping for a favourable reply.
1928 - LRC Vegetables Stolen "Two baskets full of ginger root, onions and lettuces were produced in Court as evidence this morning, when two chinese were charged with stealing vegtables from the garden of the Ladies' Recreation Club... The men were arrested at 5:30 this morning. One of the defendants was an ex-banishee, who had complete his term of banishment. " 1929 Widening of May Rd (LegCo report) Sub-Head 24. $75,000 - Widening May Road from Tram Station to Conduit Road. This provides much-needed motor access on the Mid-levels and constitutes the natural continuation of the road now in preparation from Garden Road to MayRoad